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INI File  |  2003-03-15  |  12KB  |  343 lines

  1. [fAbout]
  2. fAbout.Caption=About
  3. Label2.Caption=Bugs and new ideas:
  4. Label4.Caption=User support:
  5. Label9.Caption=WWW forum:
  6. URLLabel4.Caption=http://www.dreamcom.cz
  7. URLLabel4.URL=http://www.dreamcom.cz
  8. URLLabel10.Caption=http://www.dreamcom.cz/phorum
  9. URLLabel10.URL=http://www.dreamcom.cz/phorum
  10. URLLabel6.Caption=Registration information
  11. URLLabel6.URL=http://www.dreamcom.cz/registration.php
  12. URLLabel5.URL=mailto:podpora@dreamcom.cz
  13. URLLabel1.URL=mailto:kubiksms@dreamcom.cz
  14. Label1.Caption=Advertisement:
  15. URLLabel3.Caption=http://dreamcom.cz/advert.php
  16. URLLabel3.URL=http://dreamcom.cz/advert.php
  17. RegLabel.Caption=Registered email:
  18. [fAdrSearch]
  19. fAdrSearch.Caption=Recipients selection
  20. labelSearch.Caption=Quick search
  21. LabelContacts.Caption=Contacts
  22. LabelRecipients.Caption=Recipients
  23. btnOK.Caption=OK
  24. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  25. btnNewContact.Caption=New contact...
  26. btnGroups.Caption=Groups...
  27. [fMain]
  28. imgWriteSMS.Caption=New SMS
  29. imgWriteSMS.Hint=Write new message (F2)
  30. imgQueue.Caption=Queue
  31. imgQueue.Hint=Messages to send (F3)
  32. imgHistory.Caption=History
  33. imgHistory.Hint=History (F4)
  34. ImgContacts.Caption=Contacts
  35. ImgContacts.Hint=Contacts (F5)
  36. imgMenu.Hint=Main menu
  37. imgClose.Hint=Close
  38. imgMinimize.Hint=Minimize
  39. imgTray.Hint=Minimize to tray
  40. menuNewMessage.Caption=New message
  41. menuSetup.Caption=Options...
  42. menuUpdate.Caption=Update...
  43. menuChangeSkin.Caption=Change skin...
  44. menuGateSetup.Caption=SMS gates setup...
  45. menuGateMaster.Caption=Set default SMS gate...
  46. menuGateAssigment.Caption=SMS gates assigment...
  47. menuImport.Caption=Import data...
  48. menuExport.Caption=Export data...
  49. menuAbout.Caption=About...
  50. menuExit.Caption=Exit
  51. menuTrayShowForm.Caption=Show window
  52. menuTrayExit.Caption=Exit
  53. menuDialUp.Caption=Internet connection...
  54. menuHelp.Caption=Help...
  55. [fMainNewSMS]
  56. imgSendMsg.Caption=Send
  57. imgSendMsg.Hint=Send message (Ctrl+Enter)
  58. imgTo.Caption=To:
  59. imgTo.Hint=Recipients (Ctrl+T)
  60. imgAdvBtn.Hint=Advanced options
  61. menuBrowseContact.Caption=Browse contact
  62. menuCut.Caption=Cut
  63. menuCopy.Caption=Copy
  64. menuPaste.Caption=Paste
  65. menuSelectAll.Caption=Select all
  66. [fMainQueue]
  67. menuQueueEdit.Caption=Edit message
  68. menuQueueDelete.Caption=Delete message...
  69. menuQueueSend.Caption=Send now
  70. menuFindQueue.Caption=Find...
  71. menuShowLog.Caption=Show log
  72. menuInterrupt.Caption=Interrupt sending
  73. menuStopSending.Caption=Suspend sending
  74. menuShowError.Caption=Show error
  75. menuDelAll.Caption=Clear all
  76. menuDellAllButErrors.Caption=Clear all but errors
  77. [fMainHistory]
  78. menuHistorySend.Caption=Send again
  79. menuHistoryEdit.Caption=Edit message
  80. menuFindHistory.Caption=Find...
  81. menuHistoryDelete.Caption=Delete message
  82. [fMainContacts]
  83. menuAddContact.Caption=Add new...
  84. menuEditContact.Caption=Edit...
  85. menuDeleteContact.Caption=Delete...
  86. menuFindContact.Caption=Find...
  87. menuEditGroups.Caption=Groups...
  88. menuContactSend.Caption=Send message
  89. [fMainAdvanced]
  90. chbSendLater.Caption=Date of delivery
  91. chbAoD.Caption=A&dvice of del.
  92. chbIdentification.Caption=&Identification
  93. chbFlashSMS.Caption=&Flash SMS
  94. [fUpdate]
  95. fUpdate.Caption=DreamCom SE Update
  96. PanelUpdateInit.Caption=Searching for update...
  97. LabelUpdateInfo.Caption=Information about update
  98. LabelProgress.Caption=Update progress
  99. LabelDownloadDone.Caption=Download was finished.
  100. LabelUpdateDone.Caption=Update will be completed after restart.
  101. btn1.Caption=Update
  102. btn2.Caption=Close
  103. [fSkinChooser]
  104. fSkinChooser.Caption=Skin browser
  105. LabelSkinName.Caption=Choose your skin:
  106. btnOK.Caption=OK
  107. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  108. [fEditContact]
  109. fEditContact.Caption=Edit contact
  110. LabelContactName.Caption=Name
  111. LabelContactPhone.Caption=Phone
  112. btnAdvanced.Caption=Advanced options
  113. btnOK.Caption=OK
  114. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  115. LabelContactGate.Caption=Use this SMS gate instead of the default one:
  116. btnClearAssigment.Caption=Clear the option
  117. [fWrongNames]
  118. fWrongNames.Caption=Missing contacts
  119. btnOK.Caption=OK
  120. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  121. [fWrongNamesEdit]
  122. fWrongNamesEdit.Caption=Enter recipient
  123. LabelSelect.Caption=Choose contact or group:
  124. btnOK.Caption=OK
  125. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  126. [fSetup]
  127. fSetup.Caption=Options
  128. BitBtn1.Caption=OK
  129. BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
  130. CommonSheet.Caption=Common
  131. chbProxy.Caption=Use proxy
  132. ProxyGroupBox.Caption=Proxy setup
  133. Label8.Caption=Name
  134. Label9.Caption=Address and port
  135. Label11.Caption=Password
  136. ProxyAddressEdit.Hint=Proxy server address, e.g. proxy.web.cz
  137. ProxyPortEdit.Hint=Proxy server port, e.g. 8080
  138. GroupBox7.Caption=User
  139. Label5.Caption=Name
  140. Label6.Caption=Email
  141. Label10.Caption=Cellular phone
  142. UserPhoneEdit.Hint=Your cellular phone number in international format (+420...)
  143. GroupBox9.Caption=Type of internet connection
  144. chbDialup.Caption=Dial-up (modem, ISDN)
  145. rbPermanentConnection.Caption=Permanent (LAN, cable modem)
  146. AdvancedSheet.Caption=Advanced
  147. chbCheckQueue.Caption=Check non-empty queue on exit
  148. chbPaidGateAlert.Caption=
  149. chbWholeWords.Caption=Keep whole words
  150. gbColorHighlight.Caption=Color highlight
  151. btnOddMsg.Caption=Odd messages...
  152. btnOddMsg.Hint=Setup font of the odd messages
  153. btnEvenMsg.Caption=Even messages...
  154. btnEvenMsg.Hint=Setup font of the even messages
  155. chbColorHighlight.Caption=Activate
  156. chbSignature.Caption=Append signature
  157. [fOperators]
  158. fOperators.Caption=SMS gates assigment
  159. Label1.Caption=Operators list
  160. BitBtn1.Caption=Close
  161. Label2.Caption=for the operator:
  162. Label3.Caption=use this sms gate:
  163. Button1.Caption=Change assigment...
  164. [fImport]
  165. fImport.Caption=Import
  166. GroupBox1.Caption=Imported data format
  167. chbCSV.Caption=CSV (Comma Separated Values)
  168. chbOutlook.Caption=Microsoft Outlook
  169. chbGateKeeper.Caption=GateKeeper
  170. GroupBox2.Caption=Import into table
  171. chbContacts.Caption=Contacts
  172. chbGroups.Caption=Groups
  173. chbQueue.Caption=Queue
  174. chbHistory.Caption=History
  175. btnOpenFile.Caption=Load from file...
  176. btnClose.Caption=Close
  177. btnImport.Caption=Import
  178. GroupBox3.Caption=Imported records
  179. btnNewRec.Caption=New
  180. btnDelRec.Caption=Selected
  181. btnDelAll.Caption=All
  182. chbSynchronize.Caption=Synchronize (overwrite existing contacts)
  183. [fOutlook]
  184. fOutlook.Caption=Import contacts from Outlook
  185. Label1.Caption=Import from folder:
  186. Label2.Caption=Contact with filled cellular number:
  187. btnOK.Caption=OK
  188. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  189. GroupBox1.Caption=Name creation
  190. [fPictureInput]
  191. fPictureInput.Caption=Copy the text
  192. btnOK.Caption=OK
  193. [fSearch]
  194. fSearch.Caption=Search
  195. LabelSearch.Caption=Find the text
  196. btnSearch.Caption=Find next
  197. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  198. [fEditGroups]
  199. fEditGroups.Caption=Groups edit
  200. Label1.Caption=Groups (select group):
  201. Label3.Caption=Members of the group
  202. btnCancel.Caption=Close
  203. btnNew.Caption=New...
  204. btnRename.Caption=Rename...
  205. btnDelete.Caption=Delete
  206. btnMembers.Caption=Members...
  207. [fGroupMembers]
  208. Label2.Caption=Contacts
  209. Label3.Caption=Group members
  210. BitBtn1.Caption=OK
  211. BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
  212. [fExport]
  213. fExport.Caption=Export
  214. GroupBox1.Caption=Exported data format
  215. chbCSV.Caption=CSV (comma separated values)
  216. GroupBox2.Caption=Export table
  217. chbContacts.Caption=Contacts
  218. chbGroups.Caption=Groups
  219. chbQueue.Caption=Queue
  220. chbHistory.Caption=History
  221. btnExport.Caption=Export
  222. btnClose.Caption=Close
  223. [fGateSelection]
  224. fGateSelection.Caption=Select SMS Gate
  225. LabelGate.Caption=SMS gate
  226. btnOK.Caption=OK
  227. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  228. [fGateSetup]
  229. fGateSetup.Caption=SMS gates setup
  230. LabelGate.Caption=SMS gate
  231. LabelName.Caption=User name
  232. LabelPassword.Caption=Password
  233. LabelInfo.Caption=SMS gate information
  234. btnOK.Caption=OK
  235. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  236. [DM]
  237. ContactsName.DisplayLabel=Name
  238. ContactsPhone.DisplayLabel=Phone
  239. QueueRecipient.DisplayLabel=Recipient
  240. QueueSendDateCalc.DisplayLabel=Send
  241. QueueMessageLookup.DisplayLabel=Message lookup
  242. QueueStateLookup.DisplayLabel=State
  243. HistorySendDate.DisplayLabel=Date
  244. HistoryRecipient.DisplayLabel=Recipient
  245. HistoryMessageLookup.DisplayLabel=Message lookup
  246. [fMsgInfo]
  247. fMsgInfo.Caption=Information
  248. btnOK.Caption=OK
  249. [Strings]
  250. DlgYes=&Yes
  251. DlgNo=&No
  252. DlgOK=&OK
  253. DlgCancel=&Cancel
  254. DlgExit=&Exit
  255. DlgRetry=&Retry
  256. DlgIgnore&=&Ignore
  257. DlgAll=&All
  258. DlgWarning=Warning
  259. DlgError=Error
  260. DlgInfo=Information
  261. DlgConfirm=Confirmation
  262. TableReadError=Error reading table %s.
  263. TableRestore=Program will try to restore the table from backup.
  264. Msg_Now=Now
  265. NewGroup=New group
  266. GroupName=Group name:
  267. RenameGroup=Rename group
  268. DeleteGroup=Do you really want to remove selected group?
  269. Group=Group
  270. ContactDup=Contact with this name already exists.
  271. GroupDup=Group with this name already exists.
  272. DeleteRecord=Do you really want to remove selected record?
  273. ContactNameMissing=You must fill in the name.
  274. ImportReadFile=Load file...
  275. ImportOutlook=Load from Outlook
  276. ImportGateKeeper=Load from Gatekeeper
  277. Name=Name
  278. Phone=Phone
  279. Script=SMS gate
  280. GroupMembers=Group members
  281. SendDate=Date of sending
  282. Message=Message
  283. AoD=Advice of delivery
  284. Identification=Identification
  285. Flash=Flash SMS
  286. CSVLoadError=Reading of the file has failed. The file is probably in a wrong format.
  287. ImportRecFailed=Records that has stayed in the table could not be imported. You can edit them and try to import again.
  288. ImportDone=Import was successfully done.
  289. ExportDone=Export was successfully done.
  290. OutlookFail=Connecting to Outlook has failed. Microsoft Outlook (not Outlook Express) must be properly installed.
  291. Contacts=Contacts
  292. ContactsFileNotFound=The contacts file was not found.
  293. Finish=Finish
  294. UpdateInProgress=Update si still in progress.
  295. NoUpdateAvailable=No update available right now.
  296. ScriptUpdateDone=Scripts were successfully updated.
  297. ScriptUpdateReady=Scripts update will be completed after restart.
  298. ExeUpdateDone=Update will be completed after restart.
  299. UpdateFailed=Download of the update file has failed.
  300. ExeDownloadFailed=An error occured while downloading the file.
  301. UpdatedScripts=Updated SMS gates:
  302. WrongContacts=All contacts must be entered correctly.
  303. ContactsNotFound=Unable to find undermentioned contacts. Click on the red colored items and choose proper contact or group.
  304. SkinChange=Skin change will occur after DreamCom restart.
  305. StateReady=Ready
  306. StateSending=Sending
  307. StateError=Error
  308. Msg_Sent=Message was sent.
  309. Msg_Loading=Loading opening page.
  310. Msg_Sending=Sending message.
  311. Msg_Expired=Page has expired.
  312. Msg_Later=Message will be sent later.
  313. Msg_WrongNum=Wrong phone number.
  314. Msg_Logging=Validating user name and password.
  315. Msg_Logout=Logging out...
  316. Msg_Limit=Limit of sent messages exceeded.
  317. Msg_Accepted=Username and password accepted.
  318. Msg_WrongPass=Wrong password.
  319. Msg_WrongName=User with given name already exists.
  320. Msg_PassCheckFailed=New password and confirmation differs.
  321. Msg_Reg=You are not a registered user.
  322. Msg_Credit=You need additional credits.
  323. SendExpired=The page read limit has expired.
  324. SendStop=Sending was interrupted by the user.
  325. UnknownEr=Unknown error.
  326. SentFail=The message was not sent.
  327. MsgAlreadySending=The message is already sending.
  328. HistoryToQueue=The message was inserted into the queue.
  329. Chars=Chars count
  330. Remain=Remaining
  331. Msgs=Messages
  332. NotRegistered=NOT REGISTERED
  333. StateRetry=%d. retry
  334. BanClick=You must click on the banner.
  335. QueueCheckQuestion=There are unsent messages in the queue, do you really want to exit?
  336. StatusMsgSending=Sending message...
  337. PassNotFilled=SMS gate "%s" requires authentication. You must fill in the login name and password.
  338. DBOpenFailed=Opening the database has failed. Program will be terminated.
  339. StatusRecipient=Phone of recipient
  340. DivideMsg=The message will be divided.
  341. UpdateSearch=Searching for updates...
  342. InetOffline=At first you must connect to then Internet.